Reading Challenge
Around the World
in 80 Books!
In the words of Maya Angelou, "We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color." To help us understand, gain an appreciation for and celebrate the world and people around us, the reading challenge this year is going to focus on books that will take us different places and meet different people.
There are a couple of ways to participate:
1. Read a book. Any book. Fill out a book slip and put it in the bucket for your grade. Once a month, we will draw a winner and you can choose a prize out of the prize bucket. It's that easy!
2. Read any 10 books that are featured in the media center throughout the year. For each book you read, you will get one "stamp" in your passport. When your passport is completed, you will receive a bunch of prizes, including a free homework pass and a coupon to use your phone at lunch! For details, see Mrs. H in the media center.
Congratulations to September's winners!!
6th grade - Miles Ravetta-Lang
7th grade - Cayman Guntram
8th grade - Liv Warner
To everyone else, keep reading! There are more chances to win!!
Also, we have 38 students participating in the passport reading challenge and they are well on their way to finishing the passport. Great job, everyone!!
And a special shout-out to the following students who have completed the passport challange already:
Owen Zuercher
Skylar Dall
Owen and Skylar each read 10 featured books in just 2 months - that's AMAZING!