Featured Poet
Shel Silverstein
"And now...a story about a very strange lion - in fact, the strangest lion I have ever met." So begins Shel Silverstein's very first children's book, Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back. It's funny and sad and has made readers laugh and think every since it was published - much like Shel Silverstein himself.
Shel didn't set out to write and draw for children. He served in the military, and was an accomplished cartoonist, guitar player, song writer, singer, and playwright. But Shel will perhaps always be best loved for his extraordinary books. He was always a believer in letting his work do the talking for him. So come - wander through the nose garden, ride the little hoarse, and let the magic of Shel Silverstein open your eyes, tickle your mind, and show you a new world.
- taken from ShelSilverstein.com

Books by Shel Silverstein:
**Lafcadio, The Lion Who Shot Back
**The Giving Tree
Who Wants a Cheap Rhinoceros?
A Giraffe and a Half
Uncle Shelby's Zoo: Don't Bump the Glump! and Other Fantasies.
**Where the Sidewalk Ends
The Missing Piece
The Missing Piece and the Big O
**A Light in the Attic
**Falling Up
Runny Rabbit (published posthumously)
Runny Rabbit Returns (published posthumously)
Every Thing On It (published posthumously)
(posthumously means after he died)
**The media center has copies of these books. They are worth every moment you spend reading them!!